1. NEVER leave your pets in the car on a warm day. The reality is pets die in hot cars! Please don’t take the risk, as it may cost them their life. If you can’t take them with you where you are going, leave your pets at home. Don’t leave pets confined in rooms or garages that have no ventilation or air conditioning. With no airflow, confined spaces can heat up quickly.
2. CHILL OUT! On hot days, limit outside activity or play to avoid heat exhaustion and keep them calm. If you’re going to walk your pooch, make sure it’s early in the morning or in the evening after sun set. If it’s too hot to walk bare feet, then it will be too hot for the pads of their paws.
3. BE PREPARED. If you do have to take your pet with you on a hot day, keep them in the shade, take a water bottle/bowl with you and a misting spray to keep them cool.
4. WATER, WATER, WATER! Avoid dehydration by providing extra water bowls with a heavy base to avoid spilling, and place them out of direct sunlight. Pop in some ice cubes to keep the water cool. Feed your rabbits small pieces of water rich fruit/veg like apple which will keep them hydrated (avoid the seeds).
5. BRING THEM INSIDE! Take extra care with small pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs & birds, specific breeds (short noses) that are susceptible to heat, elderly or young, overweight or unwell pets. If possible, keep them out of the heat and in air-conditioned rooms. Many pets will choose to lay on naturally cool surfaces such as your tiled kitchen floor.
6. FROZEN WATER BOTTLES! It’s free and easy to freeze water in used soft drink bottles which can be placed in different spots for your pets to lean against.
7. GROOMING your pets to ensure there is no loose or matted fur will help prevent overheating.
8. WET TOWELS can be placed over outdoor pet enclosures, used to wipe down cats and placed for pets to lay on.
9. CLAM SHELL POOLS for your pooch. The BAWCS doggies love them!
10. CHANGE THEIR BEDDING. When you pack away your winter doona, don’t forget to do the same for your pets. Use elevated beds for dogs to allow airflow. Your kitty might love her fluffy blanket in winter but when the heat hits, making a change to a cotton sheet will keep her cooler.
11. DON’T FORGET your larger pets such as horses, will need access to shade and extra water too. You may be surprised how much they can drink on a hot day.