AS many long term supporters know BAWCS has a Community Pets Support Program.

Our Program’s aim is to addresses a gap in service provision for disadvantaged pet owners in our community to ensure the wellbeing of pets and also to assist with keeping them with their families. There are so many surrenders that rescue just cannot keep up.

Program funding comes from external opportunities, in particular grants.

To clarify, the donations BAWCS receives from YOU are directed to supporting OUR Shelter and Sanctuary animals which we very much appreciate.
Sometimes, when our Program is ‘between’ external funding support, to ensure the continuity of our Program and to continue to help pets, we use other donations we have received ie: when you have been in operation for over 20 years you have a proven track record of helping animals in need and organisations do reach out.
This was the situation with this cat who, earlier this year was bitten by a snake. The owners could not afford the treatment required to save their cat so they reached out to both Pet Medical Crisis and BAWCS Community Pets Support Program, who despite being ‘in between’ actual Program sponsors, used the funds we had put aside to save this cats life.

When you run a Program such as this, you have to have a ‘backup plan’ (funds put aside) to ensure we can continue to save lives in these situations.

This year, BAWCS Mid Year Fundraising Appeal will be dedicated to supporting this ‘back up plan’. It is way too stressful to have to wait on the outcome of funding applications and then be informed you have been ‘unsuccessful’ – we want to be self sufficient with this Program via our supporter base who have donated because they believe in this Program and what it does.

Click here if you’d like to donate. Please use the reference CPSP which stands for Community Pets Support Program. Not familiar with the Program? Learn more here

All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible of course.

This lovely cat made a full recovery by the way, who knows what would have happened if there wasn’t financial support to ensure this.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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