BAWCS Supporting Pets

BAWCS Community Pets Support Program was able to assist a client who had recently escaped a domestic violence situation. Her pet was struggling with a deep laceration to the right leg with the whole leg swollen and hot to touch.

Needless to say this injury needed vet attention asap but with funds stretched to the max, the dog owner didn’t know what to do. The client was referred to our Program and her application was approved for assistance.

Wound cleaned and started on antibiotics, this little dog was started on the road back to full recovery.
Note: Not the dog in the photo.

BAWCS Community Pets Support Program is supported by SavourLife Adopt-a-Dog website. Looking for a new canine family member? Click here to do a filtered search across 2400 dogs listed by 298 different rescues.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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