VALE Dakota, you will be very much missed, especially by your best bud Harrison.

Dakota’s story in memory. She had quite the history with BAWCS Shelter.

This beautiful girl came into BAWCS care as part of a litter of puppies in 2012.

Camille was first adopted at 11 weeks of age to a young couple who called her Dakota.

In June 2017 Dakota was surrendered back to BAWCS Shelter due to a marriage breakdown. She ended up with the husband but he was unable to manage Dakota’s separation anxiety issues.

BAWCS Shelter was glad to have Dakota back and our dog trainer Sahil from Elite Canines Training stepped in to work with Dakota and better understand her so we could make sure the next home would be hopefully a forever one.

It does take a toll on dogs to be adopted then returned so BAWCS takes a second rehoming with even more care, even holding the dog if needed.

In August 2018, we thought we had found the perfect home for Dakota. She went ‘on trial’ and Sahil worked with the family ensuring they knew she would need to be an indoor / crated dog when noone was home otherwise she would escape if left in their backyard.

Unfortunately circumstances changed and Dakota did end up escaping from a backyard and was hit by a car which resulted in having her leg amputated.

Dakota’s family moved her in with another family member who was at home most of the time and she managed well, enjoying her time whilst there was someone around.

However, the family member had to move and could not take Dakota with him so she was once again returned to the original family members. The home environment did not allow for her to be kept secure so Dakota ended up once again in a situation where she was not safe.

BAWCS Shelter was contacted and we immediately said we would take her back.

Whilst we listed Dakota for adoption, it was going to take a very special application for her to leave our care again.

BAWCS was happy to continue caring for Dakota, ensuring her safety at all times, managing her anxiety in particular when our neighbours shoot kangaroos around the Shelter – the gunshots having a major impact on our girl.

Just before Christmas, Dakota fell ill and was rushed to the vet. Sadly she was diagnosed with a splenic bleed – a bleeding tumour in the spleen, which was not treatable.

BAWCS had to make the decision to give Dakota her wings. Thank you to Dr Mandy Bendigo Pet Vets – Mobile Veterinary Clinic for her compassionate care of Dakota during this difficult time.

Fly free sweet girl, you will always be in our hearts.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion

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This year, BAWCS Shelter and Sanctuary is celebrating our 21st Christmas! Founded in 2003, our service continues to save vulnerable animals that needed help in ensuring they lived their best lives.

A recent case was Bella.

At 14 years of age, Bella found herself in the Pound and no one came forward to reclaim her. Amazingly, after she had done her time, she was offered to ‘rescue’, quite unheard of as usually, in BAWCS experience, animals of this age usually come with health issues and despite many groups taking on the cost of whatever is needed, they often don’t make it out of the Pound.

BAWCS had been watching Bella’s journey and when she did get offered to rescue, we snapped her up immediately. The Pound did advise she would need a major dental estimating $1,500 to $2,000 but we were advised ‘we could do a fundraiser’ to cover the costs.

Not only did Bella need an extensive dental but BAWCS vet also diagnosed a heart murmur and eye issues that would need daily eye drops. It appears the vet that assessed Bella at the Pound missed these two issues but in any case, a dog should not lose its life for treatable health issues.

Bella made it through her dental and started medication for her heart and eyes. She responded beautifully to everything so the only thing left to do was find a great home which didn’t take long at all. Bella is now living her best life ever, her ‘mum’ has daily eye drops as well so it’s no big deal to do Bella as well.

BAWCS has always had a soft spot for ‘seniors’ and we were glad that Bella is going to see Christmas this year, with her new loving family.

If you’d like to help BAWCS Shelter continue to support animals in need, often with life saving support, please donate to our Christmas Appeal this year, we cannot keep doing what we do with your support. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible as always.

BAWCS Shelter and Sanctuary remains entirely volunteer run so your donation will go to animals in need.

Click here to make a donation.

And don’t forget you can keep up with / get regular updates about BAWCS work via our Facebook Page.

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………..“on the way to work this morning along the main highway as you enter goornong there is a deceased black cat on the road”

“My husband and I just drove past a cat that has been hit and put out the front of Alexander’s hair just past St John of God Hospital on the way into Bendigo”.

“Hey everyone, sadly I just saw a dead kitty on the side of the road on Napier street just near Epsom village”.

“Dead kitty on the road in front of Spotlight, I couldn’t stop being late for work. Looked to be a tabby, stripped cat”

“Dead dark tabby cat wearing a green glittery collar with a bell and blank name plate on haywood st (the continuation of lyons st) near the old tip”

THESE are real posts about cats that are now deceased, owned or not, no cat should lose their life like this.

BAWCS offers support for turning your outdoor cat into a safe and happy indoor one. Just email us your interest and we’ll send you more details.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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YOU need to be proactive in searching for it for the best outcome ensuring your cat doesn’t end up living on the streets, in survival mode with no protection from danger.

Whilst posting on FB can help, no one is as concerned about your missing cat than you – be proactive.

Here are some great tips to guide you.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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BAWCS cannot stress how important it is to have your pet’s teeth checked regularly, especially when they start getting older.

The first sign of something amiss is often their breath. If you’re up close and personal to your dog or cat (and who isn’t) and they smell abit manky, time to book a vet visit.

At 14 years of age, Bella made it out of the Pound, we’re still not sure how given seniors with ‘health issues’ aren’t usually offered to rescue. Bella not only had bad teeth but other issues which BAWCS will be attending to.

There is a major concern about what happens in Pounds and Shelters with senior pets. Many not even offered to rescue groups, killed even though they have treatable/manageable health issues.

Bella is one lucky dog. Staying over the weekend at Bendigo Pet Vets – Mobile Veterinary Clinic for monitoring and once back in BAWCS Shelter care, will be listed for adoption. She is such a sweetheart and deserves to have a loving new home.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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Duncan was adopted this time last year. He’d been returned to BAWCS Shelter under our ‘return at any time for any reason’ Policy and we welcomed him back with open arms, confident we can find his forever home.

His back story here.
His adoption day post here.

Duncan’s forever family keep in touch regularly and here are just a few of the photos that have been sent through.

From continually besotted ‘mum’ – Hello, just a little Duncan update. He’s going well, continuing to charm every visitor to the house. We had a birthday party for XXXX last weekend and Duncan put himself in the middle of the action! Loves his cuddles. He was pretty exhausted at the end of the day but all of the kids adored him and he followed them around all day. He got a new (second) bed today because he’s been lying on the floor next to Stephen when he works from home so we thought he needed a more comfy spot!

BAWCS Shelter loves this ‘frosty’ senior so much! Living his best life EVER!

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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