BAWCS Community Pets Support Program offers veterinary care support for disadvantaged pet owners in our community.

A recent referral to a vet ended up with an unwell cat being euthanased due to renal failure. The vet advised that if the cat had presented 2-3 days earlier it most likely would have been saved.

Please don’t delay veterinary care for your pets when they are struggling. There is help available.

RIP precious boy, your suffering has ended now.

Learn more about our Program and how to apply here

BAWCS Community Pets Support Program is funded by The Victorian Government and City of Greater Bendigo.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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IT’s that time of the year when we launch our annual Christmas Appeal! Donations of $2 and over are Tax Deductible.

Click here for donation options. Please use reference XMAS APPEAL.

BAWCS Shelter and Sanctuary celebrated our 19 year anniversary in September this year.

As many supporters know, we were the first ‘no kill’ Shelter established in Central Victoria back in 2003.

This year we are reflecting on how our Policy has enabled so many lives to be saved, including those that have come back into our care for various reasons.

HARRISON (Harry for short) is our feature of this year’s Christmas Appeal and is a great example of this.

He first came into care as a puppy and was quickly adopted out – everyone loves a puppy! When family circumstances changed, he was returned to us (which is part of the Adoption Agreement) so he would be safe until another new home could be found.

We thought we had found that home 2nd time around but again, family circumstances (allergies) meant Harrison was put outside to live (against the Adoption Agreement terms) and it wasn’t until 3 months later we were contacted to have him come back to us.

The time outside and away from his family had a negative impact on Harrison which was sad to see. Going from a well adjusted and social dog (around other dogs), he had become quite reactive, although maintained his love of humans.

Lucky for him, he was back with us and work started with our dog trainer to get Harry to a management level for being taken for walks and meeting other dogs, important to get this sorted.

It was a slow process but we got Harry to a stage where we would be comfortable putting him up for adoption again.

It has been very important to find the right home for him, in the wrong hands could mean he ends up in a situation where his life could be on the line (if negative reaction to other dogs escalating) and being reported to authorities.

Whilst the right home still hasn’t come along, Harrison continues to enjoy his time in our Shelter, being exposed to lots of other dogs (with a positive outcome) and also spending time with our dog trainer walking around Lake Weeroona to keep him fine tuned.

We have had some negative comments about why hasn’t he been adopted but it is better for him to be safe with us than to be sent out with just anyone who doesn’t have the right experience with handling a reactive dog.

So we do hope you will continue to support our work via our Christmas Appeal this year, we can’t do it without you!

Click here for donation options. Please use reference XMAS APPEAL. Donations of $2 and over are Tax Deductible.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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DID you know… BAWCS offers support for disadvantaged pet owners in our community.

BAWCS Community Pets Support Program is designed to benefit and support the welfare of companion animals within Victoria, belonging to disadvantaged pet owners.

The Program’s aim is to address a gap in service provision for disadvantaged pet owners in our community.

Service support provided includes:

Veterinary care – from basic vaccinations and desexing (supporting responsible pet ownership) to ending a pet’s suffering.

Emergency pet accommodation – to support pets in domestic violence situations or when owners are admitted into psychiatric care and have no family or friends.

General affordable pet accommodation – supporting local agencies with their client’s pets in times of entering into Rehabilitation Programs (drug/alcohol), respite care, hospitilisation.

Pound reclaim fees to reunite pets with their owners/supporting responsible pet ownership.

Outreach Support where BAWCS volunteers visit pets in the owner’s home whilst they are away. Pets that aren’t able to be ‘boarded’ are particularly targeted such as rabbits, birds, fish, reptiles etc. This part of our Program also supports the purchase of pet needs including food.

Training support instead of surrender. By providing qualified dog training support, owners are given an option to keep their pets instead of making the often heartbreaking decision of surrendering.

To check your eligibility for support, please apply here.

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IT’s that time of the year when the same two questions are asked.

  1. Where did the first half of the year go?
  2. OMG my tax return will be due in soon.

Did you know…

BAWCS is registered with the ACNC and donations of $2 and over are tax deductible?

That we are currently ENTIRELY volunteer run which means donations received go directly into supporting the running of our Shelter and Sanctuary and of course to the animals that are in our care?

That this is the 19th year we have been operating since being established as the very first ‘no kill’ Shelter in Central Victoria?

If these facts pleasantly surprise you (or you already knew and love us) please consider making a donation to our Mid Year Fundraising Appeal. Donation options here

Thank you for your support, we would not be where we are today without it!

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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Thank you to those who have been concerned about BAWCS Shelter and Sanctuary during the COVID-19 crisis. Like many others, it has severely impacted our ability to generate critical income which is needed to keep our facility running.

In particular, our boarding kennel and cattery bookings have been cancelled for the usually busy Easter period. With our clients unable to travel, we are not able to rely on this income.

With current restrictions in place, our Committee has also made the decision to suspend our weekly Market Place Shopping Centre fundraising stall due to reduced visitors to the centre and we wanted to limit our volunteers exposure to the public. 

At a time when we were already experiencing financial strain, now more than ever we need YOUR support to get us through the next 6 months (at least) so we can continue to provide care for the animals that are depending on us.


Make a purchase from our online Shop

Sponsor one of our “special needs” shelter cats or one of our sanctuary animals

Buy-a-bale of hay to support our sanctuary animals

Or you can make a donation (amounts of $2 and over are tax deductible)

You can continue to adopt pets from BAWCS but this is now only by private ‘meet and greet’ appointment. You can check out our animals available here and submit an online adoption application form. We will not be able to arrange a private ‘meet and greet’ unless we receive this form first. An application doesn’t commit you to adoption.

We thank you so much for your support and understanding during this difficult time for all.

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christmas wine copy

GOODWILL Wine donate 50% of their profits to us, so you’re not only getting AWESOME wine that you can gift to loved ones, or share over the Christmas break – you’re also helping Bendigo Animal Welfare & Community Services at the same time. ❤

Wine is just a click away. Order yours here.

Free Shipping offer ends at midnight on Wednesday 11th December.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’🌲

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