BACK in early September BAWCS Community Pets Support Program collaborated with our friends at Pet Medical Crisis to assist David, a 63 year old veteran and his HUGE, cuddly 3-year-old Boerboel named Ripple.
David’s military journey has not only left him with PTSD but when suffering a knee injury, it was revealed he had a life-threatening Atrioventricular Septal Defect (hole in the heart), necessitating transfer back home for urgent life-saving surgery. Trauma and too many losses then compounded David’s world with his second-eldest son passing away from cancer.
David found solace in swimming until the isolation of COVID struck and then even this was taken from him.

Ripple entered David’s life, offering him much-needed companionship and number one support through the tragic loss of his eldest son, followed by his father and youngest brother. Life was bleak and Ripple was the greatest solace during these hardest of days.
When Ripple’s persistent limp led to a diagnosis of an ACL injury which will require a Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) surgery initially quoted was at $8,000. Devastated with the inability to save his best friend, David sought assistance from Pet Medical Crisis and BAWCS Community Pets Support Program. Together with the amazing fundraising efforts from PMC supporters, the RSL and Maryborough Veterinary Practice (who generously agreed to reduce the cost to $3,100) Ripple was able to have his surgery!

David and Ripple are now able to enjoy their joyful daily walks and plays once again.
From David “She is my world of peace”.
BAWCS Community Pets Support Program is sponsored by SavourLife who have a great platform Adopt-a-dog (which supports rescue groups by listing their dogs who are looking for great new homes). Check it out here . BAWCS could not do what we do with clients like David without this amazing support.
BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’