AS many long term supporters know BAWCS has a Community Pets Support Program.

Our Program’s aim is to addresses a gap in service provision for disadvantaged pet owners in our community to ensure the wellbeing of pets and also to assist with keeping them with their families. There are so many surrenders that rescue just cannot keep up.

Program funding comes from external opportunities, in particular grants.

To clarify, the donations BAWCS receives from YOU are directed to supporting OUR Shelter and Sanctuary animals which we very much appreciate.
Sometimes, when our Program is ‘between’ external funding support, to ensure the continuity of our Program and to continue to help pets, we use other donations we have received ie: when you have been in operation for over 20 years you have a proven track record of helping animals in need and organisations do reach out.
This was the situation with this cat who, earlier this year was bitten by a snake. The owners could not afford the treatment required to save their cat so they reached out to both Pet Medical Crisis and BAWCS Community Pets Support Program, who despite being ‘in between’ actual Program sponsors, used the funds we had put aside to save this cats life.

When you run a Program such as this, you have to have a ‘backup plan’ (funds put aside) to ensure we can continue to save lives in these situations.

This year, BAWCS Mid Year Fundraising Appeal will be dedicated to supporting this ‘back up plan’. It is way too stressful to have to wait on the outcome of funding applications and then be informed you have been ‘unsuccessful’ – we want to be self sufficient with this Program via our supporter base who have donated because they believe in this Program and what it does.

Click here if you’d like to donate. Please use the reference CPSP which stands for Community Pets Support Program. Not familiar with the Program? Learn more here

All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible of course.

This lovely cat made a full recovery by the way, who knows what would have happened if there wasn’t financial support to ensure this.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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Earlier this year, BAWCS was delighted to receive a Victorian State Government grant to allow us to run our 2017 Feline Desexing Program. The program was made available to concession card holders, who otherwise would not have been able to afford it.

We had an overwhelming response to the launch of our program and it has been a great success. Just over 100 cats were not only desexed, but the majority of those were also given a free vaccination and microchip as part of our program.

The funding for this program also allowed us to provide an Education kit, covering information and advice on keeping a happy indoor cat, addressing common issues and options for providing a safe and secure outdoor space.

Not only are all of these cats now healthier but they will also no longer be able to contribute to the huge amount of unwanted kittens born every year.

A huge shout out to Kangaroo Flat Veterinary Clinic, who partnered with us to deliver this program and of course the Victorian State Government for providing the funding support for this important work.





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Following the construction of our new barn, Phase Two of our Build A Barn project is finally underway! BAWCS has received a very generous helping hand from our latest sponsor Champion Stable Systems with the supply and installation of two shiny new stables in our barn.

We are so grateful for this support which will not only allow us to provide extra care and comfort for our resident horses but also any of our other residents or newcomers that need a little extra care in an indoor environment for recovery.

We can’t wait to start using our stables which are extremely well built and of high quality. We were so impressed that each stable came complete with a sturdy feed trough, automatic drinker and hay feeder.

A HUGE thank you to Champion Stable Systems for your generous sponsorship and a special mention to Glen for choosing BAWCS to support and to Roger for his fantastic customer service! Want to know more about Champion Stable Systems? Check out their website here and tell them BAWCS sent you!

CSS logo

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birdman 2

Would you jump into the Yarra River for a good cause?

On Sunday 12th March, Moomba’s brave Birdman Rally participants will take the leap for charity, as part of the annual Moomba Festival. For the first time ever, BAWCS is being represented!

BAWCS Volunteer Stef and Miss Kitty

Only 12 entrants were selected to take the plunge into the Yarra River on the day, which includes one of our very dedicated volunteers. Stef is all set to make a splash with her homemade wings, to raise much needed funds for BAWCS.

Stef has been volunteering in our Adoption Cattery for 2 years and has helped play an important role in keeping our cattery areas clean and our many felines happy and healthy. Without people who are willing to give their time, we would not be able to change the lives of the many animals that come into our care.

We are chuffed to be part of this great event and wish Stef all the best as she plunges into the Yarra.

Like to show your support for Stef and help BAWCS continue to care for animals in need?

You don’t have to jump into the Yarra, just click here to make a donation. (No splash required)

Click here for more information on the Birdman Rally.

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vic_gov_logo_black_-_state_government-003We are so excited to announce that the construction of our new BAWCS vet building is now complete, thanks to the State Government Animal Welfare Fund grant that we received earlier this year.

The project would not have been possible without the funding, which has enabled us to build a dedicated veterinary care building and to upgrade part of our existing facilities to include heating/cooling, repainting and new flooring.

Framing of the new vet building

During construction of the new vet building

The new building will allow for visiting veterinarians to assess and treat animals onsite, minimising stress on animals and reducing travel time for our volunteers.

We are now better equipped to care for sick animals with a specific isolation area and greater capacity to care for animals in need, including those in emergency situations.

Vet cages in the new building

We look forward to expanding on our  work assisting disadvantaged pet owners with plans for our new facility to provide these clients with vaccination, microchipping and desexing of their pets at a reduced cost.

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Dog Walking

It’s National Volunteer Week from 9-15 May and all of the BAWCS animals want to say THANK YOU!

BAWCS is currently ENTIRELY volunteer run and rely on the dedication of our volunteers, whether it be at our shelter looking after our cats, dogs and farm animals or fostering, dog walking, admin support, fundraising or transporting animals. We would like to say “Thank You” to each and every one of you for generously giving your time. You ALL contribute to helping so many animals in need and we couldn’t do it without you!

Would YOU like to be a part of our great team? Check out our Volunteer page for further details.

Volunteer transporting dog

Cattery Volunteer

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GlynnHappy Aus Dayphantom and friendsphantom naughtyPhantom picsPhantom pics2Phantom Australia dayPhantom enjoying attentionOz day 5Phantom and friend2Phantom and friendMargaretraffle winner

BAWCS had a great day at the recent Australia Day Celebrations at Lake Weeroona, organised by the Rotary Club of Bendigo Sandhurst. With over 140 market stalls and free entertainment, crowds of people took advantage of this great event and the equally great weather!

Our star attraction was Phantom, our 19 year old miniature horse, who had an early start being loaded into the float and safely transported to the lake by our friends Ian and Ester from Horse and Country Bendigo. Phantom was set up lakeside with lots of visitors to charm. You would never know this was only his second public event and what a star he was!

Many people lined up to participate in our “Photo with Phantom” fundraiser with our Photographer Glynn Jarrett, who donated his time on the day. Together with his lovely wife Margaret, providing professional photo’s with Phantom to raise much needed funds for BAWCS. Glynn worked tirelessly to get the right shots and customers were able to walk away with a USB of photos or have them emailed to them the next day.

Thank you to everyone who visited our fundraising stall, to those who bought raffle tickets and those of you who purchased a Farm Friends Sponsorship (Phantom being the most popular on the day). It is only with the support of the community and compassionate people that we can continue to help the many animals that come into our care.

Thank you to all our volunteers on the day who made this possible and Ian and Ester from Horse and Country Bendigo, who once again transported our precious Phantom to and from the venue. Like to know more about Phantom, our star of the day? Check out his story here.


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As another year passes, we look back on all the lives we’ve been able to change in 2015 because of YOU! A huge THANK YOU to all of our dedicated volunteers, donors, sponsors, foster carers, business partners and adopters….we could not have done it without you!

We wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR and look forward to continuing our work in 2016 saving more lives and caring for the vulnerable.

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It is with sadness we advise that we have finally received the results of tests undertaken on Tuppence that recently indicated something was not quite right. The high white cell count cannot be accounted for (the urine culture was clear) so it is feared that our sweet princess may have cancer. This means she is not a candidate for the Radioactive Iodine Therapy we had planned to cure her Hyperthyroidism.

Tuppence will now join our palliative care cats. We will continue to monitor her health and do whatever is required for her to be happy and comfortable.

For everyone that had donated to her thyroid treatment, please contact us if you would like a refund of your donation, otherwise we will put the funds raised to her ongoing palliative care, including her thyroid medication. Please note: we were unable to get the results of pre treatment tests prior to raising the funds as the tests have to be undertaken one week prior to Tuppence being admitted for the treatment.

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Knitted Beasties Back Group Banner

Have you visited our NEW online shop, featuring our Hand Knitted Beasties?

Whether you’re looking for a unique gift or a special friend for yourself, BAWCS Beasties are exclusive to BAWCS and have been lovingly hand made by our skilled volunteers in Bendigo, Victoria. Just like the animals in our care, each Beastie is unique, and you’ll be helping to support Central Victoria’s Only “NO KILL” Shelter.

Here at BAWCS, we have no paid staff, just passionate volunteers who care about animals. This means that your purchase price goes directly to feeding and caring for the unwanted, sick and injured animals in our care.

Why not give a home to a BAWCS Beastie today?

Knitted Beasties Group Banner

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